“If you’re not going to race it anymore, sell your f*cking car!”

The JMP mobile is very slowing being torn apart, with every part that’s gone there is the awesome feeling of better future opportunities and plans, but sooner or later the second thoughts starts kicking in.

Two weeks ago I sold the wheels and was on the fringe of a potential buyer coming to scoop the entire car away. I began to imagine my life without it, like I did with all my previous sold vehicles i.e. CRX, LS, Type R, and s14. Next, I imagined my life with a wad of thick cash, and then spending half of it on a ridiculous high power camera, and then half of the money sitting pretty at my bank account. Think of the amount of interests I’d earned, wow like .05%. But 2 days later, the second thoughts and regret feelings starts setting in.

I began having flash backs, the sounds of my bov whistling as push her on the freeway, the awesome feeling of her slipping and roaring as I counter steer her around the banks, and the coolness I feel when I’m around her. I love the fact that she is so rare and a unique set up of her kind. Similarly, I love the hater internet fan boys, shit blasting about how wack that she was only an rb20 and how much greater she’d be if she was an SR. BTW kids, I don’t mind the hate, it’s an RB20 and a classic machine from a beastly breed.

If I do end up selling her it would not be a total lost- I’ve always looked at it as a learning experience. One, we live only once so owning a different will be equally satisfying. Two, trading it for a better purpose –trust me on this one. And lastly, three, we can to do it all over again.
