Two weeks ago I sold the wheels and was on the fringe of a potential buyer coming to scoop the entire car away. I began to imagine my life without it, like I did with all my previous sold vehicles i.e. CRX, LS, Type R, and s14. Next, I imagined my life with a wad of thick cash, and then spending half of it on a ridiculous high power camera, and then half of the money sitting pretty at my bank account. Think of the amount of interests I’d earned, wow like .05%. But 2 days later, the second thoughts and regret feelings starts setting in.
If I do end up selling her it would not be a total lost- I’ve always looked at it as a learning experience. One, we live only once so owning a different will be equally satisfying. Two, trading it for a better purpose –trust me on this one. And lastly, three, we can to do it all over again.
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