Not Here to Impress You

A lot of people have asked me why do I blog, and usually I follow up with a shoulder shrug. At times, I too question that myself. What's the point of all this? Why dedicate all this work and time for almost nothing? In the begining it was all about business and promoting the production group. But I'd admit, I fallen hard for this trade. I've always had a love for journalism, photography, and cars and this is the perfect medium to which I can indulge in all of three of these passions. So I'm not here for your fucking (and yes I love to swear) amusement or asking for your approvals- ultimately, I do this for myself.

Alexi is one of my all time idol when it comes to bloggers and "underground journalism" (btw, sounds freakin cool). In a nut shell, He runs the famous Noriyaro Website reporting on grass root drifting in various mountains race tracks in Japan. Over the years, he's gained world wide recognizations in magazine publicaitions, websites, and videos. Much love and respect.
