I Will Drive This Mofo Before I Die

Thanks Shawano International Raceway [USA International Raceway, USAIR] for reaffirming my love for drifting and possibly rekindling my desire to drive once again. I was bitching while on my way to the race track, but I was reassured that when I get there I would not regret it- and I'm truly glad I went. Seeing the entire track for the first time boiled something inside of me...I want to drive again. Officially made it a personal goal of mine, I will I drive this mofo before I die.

USAIR is incredible and has a feeling of nostalgic Japanese mountain passes, kinda like the scenery in the popular Initial D series. There are various of mounds and hills with hair pin corners, but still offering some pretty cool wide banks. The track surface is prestine, smooth, and very clean. I can't wait for next round, as a driver I hope.

Besides the fact that it was an awesome track, USAIR brought the fan boy in me because I got to see some very rad cars that would otherwise be viewed only from my computer monitor. It was awesome seeing Simba's 240 up close, this thing looks even better in real life!
more pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/54306394@N07/sets/72157627607103826/

Also, thanks to Keith for the awesome video:


  1. it's USAIR
    USA International Raceway

    Glad you had fun though, that place is awesome!

  2. dang Love the Vid And the Pics. Vid Feels So Real and Feels Some what like an Intense Roller coaster Ride at Valley fair or something.


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